Vaclav Sivak won the Muy thay in Trencin, and won the victory with the Romani flag

Vaclav Sivak, Czech champion in K-1, in Trencin in Muy Thai won his rival, Lukash Mandin. During the entire match, he had control of the fight in all five rounds. It can be said that his rival was satisfied with the fact that the match did not finish prematurely with a knockout.

At the end of the voting, Sivak celebrated the victory with a Roma flag around him.
Vaclav Sivak entered the fight in the fight. "I'm getting ready in the sword and determined to win," he said before the media contest.

According to the media in the Czech Republic, now Sivak has an invitation to transfer to another ranking of the competition known as MMA. "This offer for me is a great honor and recognition and I will leave. But my passion is still K1 and the guy Muy Tay, "said Sivak.

Otherwise, Vaclav Sivak in this category will be presented on March 29 in Prague in the professional K-1 competition. The name of his opponent still does not know.


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