On November 22, at MKC Cinema "Frosina" in Skopje, the extraordinary stage musical event "In memory of Esma for an unforgettable"

SP BTR Produktion together with the Humanitarian Association "Queen Esma and Stevo Teodosievski" in Wednesday on November 22 at MCC, cinema "Frosina" in Skopje, starting at 7 p.m., will organize a truly unique stage music event "In memory of Esma for an unforgettable experience".

In a way, that event is also the year of commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the birth of the Queen of Romani music and also a humanitarian with a big heart – Queen Esma Redzepova Teodosievska.

At the event, 11 musical tracks from the great musical opus of Esma Redzepova Teodosievska will be performed by well-known musical names from the Macedonian and Roma music scene. Part of Esma's songs will be performed by Susana Gavazova, Aneta Ljumakovska, ex-vocalist from the group "Molika", Ramadan Bislim Ramko, Hajria Bislim, Bernat Demirali and Ervin Ametovski. At the event itself, a short documentary on Esma will be shown, produced by SP BTR and a poem dedicated to Esma will be read by journalist Valentina Pargo.

This event was supported by the Ministry of Culture as well as the city of Skopje.

A certain number of friends and admirers of Esma's work, as well as representatives from the state and the city of Skopje and the diplomatic corps, have been invited to the event.

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