The musician Ilmi Mustafov, the son of the legendary Ferus Mustafov, died

Another tragedy in the musical family of the Mustafovs. The famous saxophonist and clarinetist Ilmi Mustafov died suddenly and after a short illness on August 16, 2023.

Ilmi was also a member of the Fire Boys group. In his nearly three-decade career, he has recorded many dances and chocets, some with his group and some with his famous father, the now legendary Ferus Mustafoov.

This is a heavy loss and many musicians and his colleagues are forgiving him through social networks.

Otherwise, the death of Ilmi Mustafov surprised everyone, if it is known that only less than 3 months ago, on May 22 of this year, his father Ferus also died. M.

According to the latest information, the funeral is planned for August 17.


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