80 years since the birth of the queen of Roma music Esma Redzepovska - Teodosievska

Esma Redzepova Teodosievska was born on August 8, 1943 in Skopje, North Macedonia.

She is a world-famous singer of Roma origin, who earned the title "Queen of Roma Music".

In 2013 received the prestigious title of National Artist of the Republic of Macedonia

Esma was the fifth of the six children of Kania and Ibrahim Redzepov. She started her musical career at the age of 13.

Esma is the most prominent musical name on the Macedonian, Balkan and world music folk scene, she is a woman who dedicated her life to humanity, philanthropy and kindness. The woman with the divine voice, she conquered the world with her song, temperament and Romani musical rhythm. Esma has become an easily recognizable Macedonian brand in the world with its originality and musical virtuosity.

Esma Redzepova Teodsievska has recorded and released more than 580 songs, including two platinum and eight gold discs. There were more than 22,000 concerts, a third of which were held for charity. With the Teodosievski Ensemble, he recorded 108 singles, 32 compact cassettes, 15 discs, six videotapes and numerous television shows.

She died on December 11, 2016 and was buried in the Alley of the Great in the Butel cemetery, Skopje.


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