"Nishville" presented its program in Skopje

As part of the Skopje summer, tonight in Kurshumli An in Skopje, in cooperation with PolyFonia, a concert is being held at the jazz festival "Nishville" from Serbia. Moba Trio, Nashville Romayam Orchestra and DJ Ball will perform.

According to the ambassador of Serbia in the country, Nevena Jovanović, through the performance of this "Nishville" jazz festival in Skopje, the good bilateral cooperation that exists between the two countries is once again confirmed.

She emphasized that Serbia is fully committed to fostering friendly cooperation with Macedonia and hopes that it will intensify in the future.

Shaban Bajramović's composition will be on the program, considering that in addition to classical, the audience will have the opportunity to hear ethnic jazz music as well.

The pianist of the "Moba Trio" group, Misha Pavlovic, pointed out that they do this mostly out of love for classic jazz, they play compositions from last year, and the recording of their album is in progress.

The vocal soloist of the Nashville "Romajam" orchestra, Zlata Marinkovic, indicated that she is glad to be a part of this project and to have the opportunity to capture the Roma and ethnic jazz music.

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