The citizens of Sh. Orizari are not satisfied with the city transport: we pay monthly tickets for nothing when there are no regular buses, a shame for JSP and private buses!

For the residents of Shuto Orizari, there have been no buses for several days. They are not directly connected to the city center, and their only salvation is suburban lines or not legal taxi drivers who take them somewhere, and then catch another bus.

The bus stops are empty, and where we found citizens, they either catch a shadow or wait for a bus for hours.

To get to the city center, the residents of Shuto Orizari need all logistics or good walking fitness.

The number 19 and 20 buses are gone, the suburban ones are irregular and the timetable of the JSP is a chaos in itself, criticize the residents of the settlement.

The problem is huge, due to unpaid debts from the City of Skopje to private carriers. We take out monthly passes for nothing when we have to walk or pay for taxis, shame!

These are just some of the reactions of the citizens of Sh. Orizari on social networks. Citizens ask, complain, react, but no one killed them. The only announcements that come from JSP are related to the notification that on a holiday they will drive according to the weekly schedule, while they remain silent about all other problems of the citizens. Their salaries are all low, they don't have drivers, they don't have oil, but we go to work when we are late. A great shame for JSP and the private bus companies headed by the city of Skopje - commented the citizens.

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