The trial against four prison officers for beating a Roma prisoner in Idrizovo has begun and ended, for all four three-year suspended sentences.

Exactly after almost ten months, the trial against the four police officers employed in Idrizov has started these days. This was also informed by the lawyer M.Sc. Shenaj Osmanov, a defense attorney in the court case related to the beaten S.A. Lawyer Osmanov indicated that the trial began in the Basic Criminal Court of Skopje against the four police officers employed in the Idrizovo Correctional Facility who on the night of 31.12.2022 at around 2:20 a.m. inflicted physical injuries on the convicted S.A. from Skopje - Shuto Orizari, and against all four prison officers were charged with mistreatment during the performance of their duties in accordance with Art. 143 of the CC.

From the allegations in the criminal complaint and the evidence in the indictment, the defendants admitted their guilt at the main hearing and declared that they regret the crime they committed and ask the court to impose a lighter sentence on them, promising that in the future they will behave conscientiously and responsibly with all convicted.

By the way, for a reminder related to the case of 31.12.2022 (New Year's Eve 2023), namely, on that same night, the (then) prisoner S.A. was beaten. during that period he was serving his prison sentence in the Idrizovo penitentiary.

And finally, after the closing arguments, the court passed a verdict that all four defendants plead guilty and are sentenced to a suspended sentence, who in the next three years will not be able to commit a new crime similar to this one.

The defense is referring to a civil dispute for a damage claim," informed the lawyer Shenaj Osmanov.

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