How did the Roma of Shutka and Topaana pass through April 8?

"This is a jungle. This does not endure. Look at this. Does it look like a neighborhood? So this is a disaster. "

Who does mean something on April 8th when it still needs to be eaten today? A holiday is celebrated if you have the conditions for it and if you have why you celebrate it. This is how the people of Shutka and Topaana will tell you, if you ask them how they mark the International Day of the Roma.

Today, there was no special festive atmosphere in Shutka or Topana. Everyone is chasing the job to make a living. Some are even revolted by the special attention of state officials, who say they remember them only once a year and in pre-election.

The main business in these settlements is trade, collecting bottles and scrap metal. And with that, they say they are not living, nor are they celebrated.
(Is there anything to celebrate?) When there is money every day there are holidays when there is no fun. This is an appeal from me for all over Europe. This is poverty, "said one of the residents.

For real integration and improvement of the status of Roma, they need money and dedication, alarm in their research and the Ombudsman, according to which, in the last ten years, the state almost did not move with a finger.



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