
Who needs to work in Europe for how long to buy a used car - for Macedonians and Serbs about 15 months, and for Finns less than three months

Research has shown that the ability to buy a car varies significantly from country to country.

Car availability varies greatly from country to country

The average salary in Macedonia is over 600 euros, and according to data taken from the Macedonia website, Macedonians spend an average of 9,000 euros on a used car. That means it should work for about 15 months, Serbs allocate over 15 monthly salaries for a used car. Finns can earn a car in just 2.7 months of work, while Germans would need six months and Swiss 6.1 months. In countries in and around the Balkans, people work less for a car: Hungarians – 11.2 months, Croatians – 11.7 months.

However, it should be borne in mind that this calculation would mean that the customer would not spend a single dinar of his salary on anything else, but would save everything he earns for the car.

Czech Health Ministry briefs on the current outbreak of hepatitis A among children in Ostrava: Residential hotels are not the main site of infection

Public health officials in Ostrava, Czech Republic are addressing the epidemiological situation regarding an outbreak of acute hepatitis A there. From 22 April to 1 July 2024 a total of 44 infections were recorded. Of those cases, 43 are in children between the ages of 1 and 17. The Regional Public Health Authority was instructed to undertake targeted anti-epidemic measures with up to 400 people who have been in what is called epidemiologically significant contact with infected persons.

“The unfavorable epidemiological situation was also discussed in the Regional Epidemiological Commission. In that context, for example, information was circulated requesting collaboration with arranging for anti-epidemic measures in the residential hotels on City of Ostrava territory through leaflets or recommendations to increase the frequency with which common areas and sanitary facilities are being disinfected,” said Zuzana Babišová, director of the Moravian-Silesian Regional Public Health Authority, in a press release.

Persons who have come into contact with the infected and who are themselves susceptible to infection are now being vaccinated against hepatitis A. The vaccinations are provided either by the doctors registering their cases, by certain general practitioners (GP), or for those without a GP, by the Clinic for Infectious Medicine at the Ostrava Teaching Hospital.

The Czech Health Ministry has provided a total of 168 doses of vaccinations against hepatitis A. They are paid for by public health insurance.

“Certainly there is no reason to panic, although a certain amount of caution and emphasis on prevention are appropriate. A person comes into contact with the hepatitis A virus by bringing contaminated hands toward the mouth, whether directly or indirectly through food. If that person is not vaccinated against hepatitis A, it is appropriate to emphasize hand hygiene after coming into contact with objects and surfaces which are frequently touched by other people’s hands, typically, for example, the handrails in public transportation, door handles in public spaces, shopping carts, money, the buttons of payment terminals or even gas station pumps. However, this applies year-round, everywhere, not just here and now,“ said Rastislav Maďar, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Ostrava University and the head of their Institute of Epidemiology and Public Health Protection.




How investments in Roma can solve the labor force problem

After the presentation of the report "Strengthening growth in the Western Balkans", it was noted in the discussion that investments in Roma can solve the problem with the workforce.

"The reality is that Romita is one of the many important elements for the future of the economy of the region and probably of the economy of Europe."

The fact that the Roma population is the youngest population in Europe, in relation to national minorities and ethnic communities, represents a huge potential for the future as a labor force for the entire economy in the region and Europe.

The report showed that if the Roma go through a series of programs for retraining and retraining and in that way get employed in deficit occupations, the invested money will be returned in a period of two to five years.

This means jobs for welders, truck and bus drivers, waiters and cooks are among the occupations that are in short supply.


Since July 1, the price of electricity has been increased in three out of four blocks, and the cheap tariff has become more expensive

Apart from the increase in the price of electricity in the high tariff in three of the four blocks, the first person of the Regulatory Commission, Marko Bislimoski, announced that from next month the price of the cheap tariff will also increase by 0.65 percent.

For households whose electricity consumption is in the first block, there will be no change in the price of electricity from the following month. In the second block the price of electricity will increase by 0.85 percent, in the third block the price will increase by 1.92 percent, and in the fourth block by 1.88 percent. Apart from the increase in the price of electricity in the high tariff, the head of the Regulatory Commission announced that from next month the price of the cheap tariff will also increase by 0.65 percent.

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Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


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„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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