
Roma - the hero of socialist work, Arif, known as "thousand". Devaluation of a smile

In the former Yugoslavia during socialism, the working class was presented as the foundation of the entire system, and being a good worker was a matter of prestige. As a reward for their hard work, the workers received decorations, diplomas and recognitions and became an example for the whole society. They were the heroes of socialist work, the bright spots that showed which path everyone else should follow.

One of those who deserved to be highlighted is the miner Arif Heralić, a Roma from Bosnia. The photographer of the magazine "Borba" took a picture of him at his workplace, and that photo became the trademark of the one thousand dinar banknote.

It was a tribute to the common man, the worker, because it is common for bank notes to have the images of famous historical figures or politicians. The socialist system propagated the working class and gave it the most important place in society.

That's how it happened that one Roma deserved to be on the banknote that many Yugoslavs wanted. This banknote is popularly called the "som" dinar. Some say this stems from Arif wearing large mining glasses that resembled catfish eyes.

You can read the whole story about Heralić at the following link

In 1967, a documentary film "Devaluation of a Smile" was made based on his life, which you can watch below:



The average pension in the EU is 1,224 euros

Residents of the Nordic countries can boast of the highest pensions, while, as expected, they are the lowest in the Balkans.

In 2021, the average monthly gross cost of an old-age pension in the EU varies, from as low as €2,575 in Luxembourg to €226 in Bulgaria. According to data taken from Eurostat, the European Union average was 1,224 euros.

Pensioners in Luxembourg (€2,575) and Denmark (€2,417) have the highest average old-age pensions in the European Union. The average old-age pension in Iceland is 2,762 euros, Switzerland 2,138, Austria 1,962, Ireland 1,906, Italy 1,561, Germany 1,440, Slovenia 692, Poland 538 and Hungary 398 euros.

Croatia is at the bottom of the ranking, i.e. in 28th place out of 36 countries - with 580 euros, while in Slovenia it is 785 euros. Bulgaria and Albania have the lowest average old-age pensions.

The average pension in the Federation of BiH is 319 euros, and in Republika Srpska 303.07 euros. In BiH, the amount of the average pension is about 311 euros, which is almost four times less than the average of the countries of the European Union.

The average pension in Serbia is currently 45,739 dinars or close to 370 euros. The average pension in Montenegro is 488 euros.


Thomas Fuller an African slave in America who was an incredible mental calculator.

Thomas Fuller the African maths genius also known as "Negro Tom" and the "Virginia Calculator", was an enslaved African born in today Benin 1710 and died in 1790 USA renowned for his mathematical abilities. Also known as a mental calculator.

shipped to America as a slave in 1724. He had remarkable powers of calculation, and late in his life was discovered by antislavery campaigners who used him as a demonstration that blacks were superior not inferior to whites in academics.

In this report, Rush stressed the credibility of Hartshorne and Coates. Rush retold how Hartshorne and Coates tested Fuller's mathematical abilities as follows:

First. Upon being asked, how many seconds there are in a year and a half, he answered in about two minutes, 47,304,000.

Second. On being asked how many seconds a man has lived, who is seventy years, seven- teen days and twelve hours old, he answered, in a minute and a half, 2,210,500,800.

One of the gentlemen, who employed himself with his pen in making these calculations, told him he was wrong, and that the sum was not so great as he had said-upon which the old man hastily replied, “top, massa, you forget de leap year.” On adding the seconds of the leap years to the others, the amount of the whole in both their sums agreed exactly.

Third. The following question was then proposed to him: suppose a farmer has six sows, and each sow has six female pigs, the first year, and they all increase in the same proportion, to the end of eight years, how many sows will the farmer then have? In ten minutes, he answered, 34,588,806. The difference of time between his answering this, and the two former questions, was occasioned by a trifling mistake he made from a misapprehension of the question.

Despite Fuller's perfect answers, it appeared to Hartshorne and Coates that his mental abilities must have once been greater. Rush wrote:

He was grey-headed, and exhibited several other marks of the weakness of old age. He had worked hard upon a farm duri

From June 1, Germany opens the door for over 50,000 workers, Macedonians first on the list

From June 1 - Saturday, Macedonians will find it easier to work in Germany. The third phase of the Law on Attracting Qualified Workers is starting, with the aim of filling the shortage of staff that the European superpower is facing. From then on, the quota for citizens from the Western Balkans, including Macedonia, will be doubled. Instead of 25,000, 50,000 workers will be able to start work immediately. - All kinds of professional staff are needed, and with the development of artificial intelligence, IT experts and programmers are most appreciated, said Ulrich Tsaitel, a member of the Economic Council of the CDU. The changes do not apply to jobs where the diploma must be nostrified, such as doctors and medical personnel. For all other professions, whose diplomas are recognized in Germany and have 2 years of experience in the home country, no proof is necessary.

Otherwise, the German dual education opens up hope for the Macedonian economy, but also the fear that more and more workers will go abroad in search of well-paid work. The initial effects are positive, the Germans say, but for complete success, a lot of effort is needed, and above all, a change in the mentality of the young.

The principle of dual education is being introduced in the Macedonian system with German support, and its aim is to provide qualified staff during the educational process, say professors in an interview for MRT1.

The German delegation from Frankfurt held a meeting with the Macedonian faculties. They say that only through good cooperation with domestic companies, excellent results can be achieved.

FaLang translation system by Faboba

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