
A dark demographic future for Macedonia, 12,000 people move out every year

The projections of the State Statistics Office for the population in Macedonia until 2070 are very negative. Statisticians with this projection try to appeal to the authorities and carry out strategies based on data. Emigration is key to the demographic future.

If this continues, by 2070 Macedonia will have a population of 1.25 million.

"The results of the analyzed data from the population projections indicate that in the foreseeable future it is difficult to expect an improvement in the demographic situation if we do not intervene with appropriate solutions", say the State Statistics Office, whose data show that an average of 12 thousand people are emigrate from the country. Apart from emigration, Macedonia also has a problem with a low birth rate.

Statisticians believe that Macedonia will have to import labor, and the

In the kindergartens in Prilep, 25 children from social risk are exempted from participation

With the decision of the Prilep council, 25 Roma children at social risk are provided with a stay in kindergartens in Prilep without participation. This is a project of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, and "Our Future" kindergartens in Prilep say that there is an excellent reflection on the daily life in the community.

- The project "Inclusion of Roma children in kindergartens" has been operating in the country since 2006. Children from the Roma population are included. At the beginning of this pilot project, only 10 were covered, and today the project is implemented in 21 municipalities. Prilep has been in the project since the beginning. The number of children involved in the project started from 12, so that today 25 children from the Roma population are included who are integrated into the groups in our institution. The project has an excellent reflection on everyday life in our community so that Roma children from social risk can feel the benefits of being cared for in kindergartens, said Hristina Trpcheska, director of Prilep kindergartens "Our Future".

Everyday that we see and hear, but do not pay attention to - Discrimination against the Roma

The Republic of North Macedonia in the Constitution guarantees us basic human rights and freedoms and treats all citizens equally, regardless of gender, race, skin color, ethnicity, religious belief, etc. But still, it is only in the Constitution, written on a piece of paper. In real life, we encounter discrimination on various grounds every day,

But one of the communities that live here is a "light motive" for a bunch of offensive and discriminatory vocabulary. You guessed it, didn't you: - The Roma!!!

If we take into account a ton of jokes, jokes on the subject of "Roma", let's start from the speech, more precisely "caricature" in the Macedonian language with a Romani dialect.

Then from pranks and pranks on the topic of "Gypsies", "Roma" of the type: "I'm bored like soap in a gypsy bathroom" or in the style of "I'll fuck you so that the gypsies will seem foreign to you"

The same vocabulary established for decades to frighten small children: "If you are not calm, the gypsy will steal you" or "you will be picked up by an old shop".

Also, a regular dose of misunderstanding or misunderstanding is again the responsibility of the Roma in the style: "Let's haggle like gypsies" or "Let's not do the gypsy...."

There is another bunch of such "low blows" that we see and hear in our everyday life, but we don't pay attention, even sometimes those who say them sound funny and funny.

And have they wondered what the other side feels like? On those skins that are "generalized"?

Do they know that it also psychologically affects the future generations of young Roma who "hide" that they are Roma from those aspects. No, they are not ashamed of their identity or roots, but they are ashamed of being exposed to ridicule, generalization, and discrimination, which further in their lives can only bring them unfair access to society and all the benefits it offers because they are already marked in advance: that the Roma lie (and the state and politicians who make false promises to the citizens are nothing), that the Roma steal (and the biggest criminals who stole millions are at large), that the Roma are dirty (and they are "dirty " they just clean you of trash, garbage, collect your dirty waste and keep your companies, offices, houses impeccably clean), and another small million examples of exactly the opposite belief.



On the eve of November 14 - World Diabetic Day: "Diabetes - a disease with prejudices"

Diabetes? A term known to all. Those affected must take daily insulin and are only allowed to eat diabetic foods. Or is it not? It's time to put an end to prejudice. We bring verified facts.

  1. Diabetes? It's that harmless diabetes.

True and false. It is true that diabetes is known as sugar disease. The name comes from the fact that untreated diabetics secrete sugar from their urine, which has a sweet smell. Metabolic diseases can be treated; however, they are not harmless. The consequences of diabetes can be high blood pressure, heart attack or stroke, as well as kidney or vision damage. Every six seconds in the world someone dies from the consequences of this disease. The International Diabetic Union reported that during 2014 almost five million people died from the consequences of diabetes. And the World Health Organization predicts that by 2030 diabetes will be the seventh leading cause of death.

  1. Diabetes gets the one who eats too much sugar - or?

Not literally. To begin with, a distinction must be made between the different types of diabetes. In type 1, the body does not produce enough insulin due to a genetic disorder, and in type 2, the insulin is not processed properly. In addition, there are several more rare forms, such as gestational diabetes. Type 2, which is the "acquired form", has 90 percent of diabetics: diabetes mellitus. This disease often appears due to lack of movement and excess weight, which is a consequence of a diet full of fats, carbohydrates and sugars. So, sugar is not the only cause of diabetes even in type 2, but a combination of all those factors, and in autoimmune diabetes type 1, sugar does not play any role.

3. Only overweight people can get diabetes

False - although the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in overweight people is twice that of normal weight people, especially obese people, where the risk is three times higher. However, more than a quarter of obese people have a healthy metabolism. This means that other factors are also the cause of diabetes. For example, hereditary gene or age. But it has not been fully explored. Last year, scientists discovered that certain enzymes also play an important role: people with a deficiency of the hemoxygenase-1 enzyme, despite obesity, do not get diabetes. In short: the fatter a person is, the more likely they are to develop type 2 diabetes. However, both thin and average-weight people can get the disease, too.

  1. Diabetes is a "disease of rich societies"

Totally incorrect. The number of people suffering from diabetes in the world is increasing, especially type 1. The reasons for this are still unknown. In 2014, according to the International Diabetic Union, there were 387 million diabetics in the world, 80 percent of them living in developing countries and countries on the threshold of industrialization. The federation estimates that 24 million Africans will be affected by diabetes in the next 20 years. The number of unreported diabetics is high: in Sub-Saharan Africa, about 90 percent, and in Southeast Asia, about half of diabetics are not even aware of their disease.

  1. Diabetes attacks only old people

Incorrect. Although diabetes mellitus is more common in old people, both types of diabetes affect people of all ages. More than 30,000 children and young people up to 19 years of age have type 1 diabetes, and the number of sick children up to 14 years of age grows by at least 2,000 per year. More and more young people are suffering from type 2 diabetes. The number of people suffering from type 2 diabetes has increased fivefold in the last ten years.

  1. In Germany, diabetes affects everyone - regardless of whether they are rich or poor

That's correct. Albert Pluck of the German Diabetic Association explains that the preconception of "fat and stupid" diabetics is simply incorrect. But studies show that certain risk factors can affect the occurrence of type 2 diabetes in children - for example, the conditions in which the child grows up: if he has stable emotional connections, he is less exposed to the danger of the disease. Research by the Robert Koch Institute also shows that obese children are at greater risk of disease than their thinner peers. The problem is often in the family in which the child grows up, that is, in the low social status. But it has nothing to do with income, but with education. For example, specific knowledge about minerals or dietary fiber. Until now, there are almost no studies on the influence of education and income on the occurrence of type 1 diabetes, so the existing research results cannot be easily interpreted.

  1. Diabetics have to take insulin every day

True and false. Type 1 diabetics must take insulin anyway, because the body is not capable of producing the hormone insulin on its own. For type 2, this is not the case, at least initially. The body can still compensate for the lack of insulin by producing large amounts of hormones. Even after many years, the pancreas is exhausted and produces less and less. At some point, insulin production can stop altogether. Then type 2 diabetics must also start insulin therapy.

  1. ...and it gets really dramatic when there is no more insulin

In movie scenes, diabetics sweat and collapse if they don't have insulin anywhere nearby. Lack of insulin, however, does not cause such drama. Sweating with spasms, as shown in the movies, is a sign of hypoglycemia, that is, a lack of glucose in the blood. It happens with an excess, not with a lack of insulin, which then lowers the blood sugar level. With hyperglycemia, i.e. increased level of sugar in the blood, diabetics are thirsty, have a headache, are tired, have nausea in the stomach and cramps. But that might not be dramatic enough for the film industry. However, diabetic ketoacidosis, a severe metabolic disorder, can be very dramatic. It mainly occurs in type 1 diabetics, develops rapidly and can be life-threatening.

  1. Diabetics should eat special diabetic foods

Incorrect. Neither special diabetic nor diet foods are good for diabetics. Since the end of 2012, foods must not be manufactured as special diabetic, nor must it be specially labeled, because it misleads patients: because of a label "recommended for diabetics", consumers think they can take those products without consequences for your therapy. Also, even with diabetic cupcakes, attention must be paid to the amount of carbohydrates and energy content. All in all, the same rules apply to diabetics as to those without diabetes: the less fat, sugar and salt, the more fruit and vegetables.

  1. Diabetes is incurable

Correct. People with type 1 diabetes are dependent on insulin throughout their lives. However, it is different in type 2 diabetics. Obesity and lack of exercise promote the disease, and healthy eating and exercise can stop the deterioration or improve the condition. However, treatment with drugs or surgery is not possible.

  1. Animals are protected from diabetes

Incorrect. Not even animals are immune. Diabetes mostly affects female dogs and cats. In dogs, which are particularly affected by type 1, it is often a matter of a genetic predisposition due to which the cells of the pancreas, which produce insulin, are destroyed. In cats, which have a tendency towards type 2, the causes are usually obesity or medication. As with humans, they must be given insulin and their diet changed. In the first 12 months, the disease can be stabilized in 10 to 30 percent of cats and brought to a "resting phase".



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