
The Roma settlement "Shanghai" in Novi Sad is also known for the first Roma library in Serbia

Shanghai is an area that is very famous in Novi Sad circles. Shanghai is only 7 kilometers from the center of Novi Sad, ie 10 minutes by car. Shanghai owes its name to Tihomir Brancic, who ran the "Shanghai" tavern in this part of the city. In the sixties of the last century, a settlement of several hundred houses was created on the present site, and not long after Shanghai was connected to the city by a bus line and received all the elements of a city settlement - electricity, water supply, sewage, a compulsory educational institution, as well as many others such as kindergartens, clinics, etc.

Shanghai today - the place where the first Roma library in Serbia was opened

Today, Shanghai has close to 2,000 inhabitants, and the majority of the population are Serbs and Roma. In the settlement there is a state kindergarten "Duga" which has crèches and preschool groups. There is also the "Veljko Vlahovic" elementary school, which was established in 1962 as a branch of the "Djura Danicic" elementary school. In 1977, this school became independent, and classes were held in one shift. In addition to the primary school and kindergarten, this neighborhood also has its own library "Trifun Dimić", which is a branch of the City Library. It is interesting that this library is also the first Roma library in Serbia because it contains several hundred books in the Roma language. Shanghai also has a clinic, a post office and a local community.

The neighborhood has shops, a pastry shop, cafes, but also parks, green areas dominated by houses, and a special advantage is the proximity of the Danube, which in the future may mean a more attractive view of this place, which will not be just the "outskirts of the city".




For the historic March 8, 1889

"At the International Workers' Congress in Paris, held from July 14 to 20, 1889, the political worker of the German and international labor movement, Clara Zetkin, who had directed the women's proletarian movement in Germany since 1890, gave an important speech on the relationship of women's work and capital and the specificity of women's wages in the capitalist system.Indicating that the issue of women's emancipation is not an isolated issue, she asserted that it is necessary to observe it in the context of a wider social reproduction within which both male and female workers share a common interest and the same enemy.

Clara Zetkin,

Speech at the International Workers' Congress in Paris, July 19, 1889:

"...Workers are completely convinced that the issue of women's emancipation is not isolated, but forms part of a broader social issue. It is completely clear to them that this issue cannot be resolved in today's society without a thorough transformation of society itself

and will continue to be in that position until they achieve economic independence. Work is a key prerequisite for their economic independence. If women are to be transformed into free human beings and equal members of society with men, women's work must not be abolished or limited, except in very exceptional cases.

  Working women who strive for social equality in the struggle for their own emancipation do not expect anything from the bourgeois women's movement that supposedly fights for women's rights. It is an edifice built on sand and has no realistic foundation. Women workers are fully convinced that the issue of women's emancipation is not isolated, but is part of a broader social issue. It is completely clear to them that this issue cannot be resolved in today's society without a thorough transformation of society itself. The issue of women's emancipation is a child of the new century, born in the age of machines... The emancipation of women, as well as of all humanity, will only occur within the process of the emancipation of labor from capital. Women, as well as workers, will fully realize their rights only in a socialist society. Bearing this in mind, women who are really interested in their own liberation have no other choice but to join the socialist workers' party, which is the only one fighting for the liberation of labor.

Without the help of men, moreover, often against their will, women came under the banner of socialism...But now they stand under that banner and will remain under it! Under him, they will fight for their emancipation and the recognition of women as equal human beings...

Joining the socialist workers' party, they are ready to share all the burden and all the sacrifices that this struggle brings, but they are also firmly determined to demand all the rights that are rightfully theirs after the victory. As far as sacrifices, obligations and rights are concerned, they demand neither more nor less than their male comrades who were accepted into the ranks of fighters under the same conditions.

Amalin: The first restaurant for Roma cuisine in Thessaloniki!

The first restaurant with Roma cuisine in the center of Thessaloniki is open in February 2023! Amalin is the culmination of long-term efforts of the Association of Roma from Dendropotamos to integrate women into society who belong to vulnerable groups of the population and are looking for a way out. Amalin is the first non-profit Roma restaurant in the second city of Greece, cooked and served by women from the Dendropotamos neighborhood. It is located in the area of Karaoli and Dimitriou streets, in the Diikitirio area.

"It was a lifelong dream for us. The association has been fighting for inclusion and promotion of good practices for 20 years. What could be better than highlighting the traditional Roma cuisine", said the head of the effort, the president of the Association of Roma from Dendropotamos, Giannula Maga. Roma cuisine is special

According to her, in a conversation with TV100 in the show Check in events, Roma cuisine is special and worth trying, and at the same time a restaurant will support this important project of the community.

"It is the best way to show society that we are part of it. That we are not invisible. Roma women will work in the restaurant. When I say socially vulnerable, we are also talking about ex-prisoners. We will give them an incentive to find their way," she stressed.

The delicious menu list is: Stuffed lamb, herb romaine stew and special pilaf are expected to be standout dishes.

R. North Macedonia: Minimum 1,000 euros to survive until the 1st

A Macedonian family needs a minimum of around 1,000 euros to be able to survive the month, and if they don't have their own home and pay rent, then they don't even have 73 thousand denars to cover basic expenses.

The gap between the income and the needs of the citizens has increased drastically in the past 14 years, but the most dramatic growth is in the last two years. In January 2022, the consumption basket amounted to MKD 35,811.(580 eurs) In January 2024, it exceeded MKD 57 thousand. That's a price increase of almost 60 percent in 24 months. At the same time, it should be noted that the structure of the basket has been changed since December 2023, and in the revised one, new costs have been introduced that were not part of the previous ones.

If it is taken into account that in November 2023, according to the latest calculations of the State Statistics Office, the average monthly net salary paid per employee was MKD 38,359, (620 euros) then a family of four, with only one employee, lacks over MKD 19,000 (310 euros) to can survive.

The minimum costs of over 73 thousand denars for a family living on rent can only be met on the condition that two people in the family work and receive a salary of about 36 thousand denars (600 eurs). Given that the minimum wage in the country is 20,175 denars (330 euros), money is only available for food and overhead costs, and there is rarely a denar left over to meet other needs.

For comparison, in December 2010, when the Union of Trade Unions of Macedonia (SSM) first published data on the trade union basket, it weighed 29,199 denars (500 euros), and the December average net salary was 21,454 denars (350 euros). The difference between the basket and the average salary 14 years ago was MKD 7,745.(125 euros)

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