
By 2030, 22 percent of the population in Bulgaria will be Roma

The Roma will make up 22% of the population in Bulgaria by 2030, according to a new study commissioned by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, presented by the professors. Dr. Nadezhda Ilieva and Assoc. Georgi Bardarov, Sofia University "St. Clement of Ohrid".

In 10 years the number of Bulgarians has decreased by 1 million, reports Bulgarian Nova TV.

According to official data, the number of Roma is 325,000, and informally it is three times higher and it is expected by 2030 that they are 1.2-1.3 million or 22 percent of the population.

The survey also shows that 60% of the Bulgarian territory of 2030 will become the so-called "demographic desert".

Almost half of the Bulgarians will live in 6 cities - Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Burgas, Rousse and Stara Zagora.
Today, there are no people under the age of 16 in 20 percent of the villages, and according to forecasts, by 2030 this percentage will double.


ERRC ends discriminatory hospital charges affecting Romani mothers

The hospital policy meant the companions of women giving birth had to wear a ‘maternity garment’ for hygiene purposes. This could only be purchased from the hospital for a price that was too expensive for low-income families in an underdeveloped region of Hungary where there is a high density of Romani families.

The hospital claimed that their policy was to ask companions to offer a donation to the hospital’s foundation in exchange for the maternity clothing. However a survey carried out by a local organisation found that in practice, this donation was obligatory, and forced Romani mothers who were unable to pay to give birth alone.

“It was a very bad experience” says 42-year-old Rita, a Romani woman from the area in an interview with the ERRC about her visits to the maternity ward. “I was very stressed because I could not get in to see my under-age daughter, when I was supposed to be there – it was a bad feeling that I could not be by her side, and I could hear her on the phone: “Mom, help me! Come in!” I felt very bad, so I called the doctor to ask him: “I would pay for the attire, just allow me in!” And the doctor told me: “No! It’s not possible.” 


Serbia: 29m euros for a better life of the Roma community

The Vice President of the Government of Serbia prof. Dr. Zoran Mihailovic, during his chairing of the third session with the Coordinative body for monitoring the implementation of the Strategy for Social Inclusion of Roma in Serbia (2016-2025), where the implementation of projects for inclusion of Roma and preparation of a new Action Plan and implementation of durable housing solutions and infrastructure improvements in Roma settlements.
At the same time, it was discussed about the establishment of regional standards for responsible budgeting of the policy for inclusion of Roma.

Mihajlovic stressed that the Government of Serbia is committed to the inclusion of the Roma community in the society, which implies better conditions in the areas of employment, social protection, education, health and housing.

She informed the members of the Coordinative Body that at the moment a project for improvement of the infrastructure and housing conditions in the Roma settlements in 13 cities and municipalities worth over 9 million Euros is being implemented, and that through the new IPA programs will be provided 20 million euros for social housing and employment of Roma.


Germany: Asylum for the Balkans only under special cases

A small number of asylum seekers from Western countries who received the right to stay in Germany last year are "special cases", writes "Deutsche Welle", saying that those who are denied and can never obtain a visa to enter the country.
The German law guarantees the right to asylum for political persecution of persons, while asylum-seekers coming from Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, BiH and Kosovo will be rejected because Germany has named these countries as "safe origin" by 2015, ie countries where there is no political persecution.

The federal office has since rejected more than 97% of applications for asylum from the Western Balkans.

The Western Balkan asylum seekers who have been rejected have to bear in mind that in the future they will be barred from entry not only in Germany, but in all Schengen countries, the Deutsche Welle notes. 

FaLang translation system by Faboba

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