
Roma people Builders of troughs from Podravina

A larger group of Roma people Builders of troughs from Podravina began migrating from Romania after 1855, when slavery was abolished, although in the region of Podravina they were present since the early 19th century. First they settled the regions between Podravina and Medjugorje, and then the rest of Croatia.

In Podravina, they arrived from Hungary, which is also a confirmation of their Hungarian surnames (Balog, Bogdan, Kalanyos, Ignaz, Chonka, Nirgosh, Kompak ...). It is interesting that the surname Orshosh was worn only by women. Their names and surnames did not give them any special importance, and they changed how they responded.

 The children were housed in a church, and the dead were buried at the local cemetery in the presence of priests, usually in addition to the cemetery fences. Otherwise they did not get married. The basic craft was the production of wooden items such as troughs, cutlery, scissors, cooking utensils, pots, costumes and the like.

Otherwise, these areas were chosen as a place to live because of the forests and because of the soft trees (willow, poplar) from which they made all the mentioned hardwoods.

They lived in hand-made dwellings-cubes of branches and mud built into the ground and under a tent. They erected their primitive habitats in those forest areas in the immediate vicinity of a village, water mill or river scaffolding.

In this way, they were within the reach of the local peasantry by selling items that they were making, and also came to the houses where people supplied wood that they made in their yards. The Koritars are a nomadic Roma group, and these places of residence served more as a temporary residence.

Romani women exclusively dealt with witchcraft where the child wounded them and carried them over their back by going from house to house, and older children ran around. The babies were taken in small troughs linked to textile tops. Otherwise, people Builders of troughs used the language "ljimba d bjaš", a vernacular dialect of the Old Roman language, but also Hungarian.

They are known for eating meat on a dead animal, and their hedgehog was like a dessert in their menu. They also worshiped brandy and tobacco. They dressed rugged clothes in colorful colors, and men carried knitters just like women.

Croatian Roma are captured on the sidelines

The fact that the official census can not confirm the actual number of Roma is fairly clear about the situation of Roma in Croatia. Contrary to prejudices about them as those who "use the system", some of the Roma people also hide their origin that they understand as a strategy to survive, writes the regional portal "Newsletter"

Revisionism and the denial of the genocide against the Roma in World War II became a part of the "media culture" warning of presenting a handbook on the fate of Roma in the so-called " NDH, historian and author Danijel Voyjak.

In Croatia, the Roma population is relatively small and according to the census of the citizens in Croatia since 2011 there are about 17,000. But research by the Office of Human Rights and the Rights of Nationalities of 2011 found that at least 24,524 people are from the Roma population.

The fact that discrimination and prejudice towards Roma in Croatia are everyday is also shown by the information from the Ombudsman's Office and given statements. In fact, 28% of Roma reported that at least once in the year they faced discrimination, and 17% of them reported that during the life they suffered a physical attack only because they were Roma.

When it comes to employment, as many as 44% of the Roma are unemployed, and another 22% have a housekeeping status, that is, they take care of a full-time household.

Housing conditions for Roma households, as many as 43% of them do not have water through the water supply, half have no bath with shower, 73% do not have sewerage, and every desteous household has no electricity.

The average monthly income in the Roma household, regardless of the source of income, is about 550 euros, which is well below the average for sufficient means for achieving basic living needs.

Bulgaria’s deputy PM proposes free abortions for Roma women to control birth rate

Bulgaria's Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Krasimir Karakachanov have introduced a controversial plan to integrate the country's Roma minority into Bulgarian society.
The "Concept for the Integration of the Unsocialized Gypsy (Roma) Ethnicity" draft bill envisions various compulsory practices for the Roma people, including forced social work for those over 16 years of age.

Those unable to pay street cleaning tax must clean the areas they occupy themselves, according to the bill.

To control the birth rate among the Roma people Karakachanov proposes a state abortion program, which would provide free abortions for women with more than three children.
The bill suggests "uneducated and unemployed" Roma be sent to "training centers."
The bill also proposes cutting social assistance if the Roma refuse to work or send their children to school, demolishing unauthorized Roma houses and creating voluntary security units in areas populated by the Roma.

"If Karakachanov had looked at the constitution, he would see that we all have equal rights," lawmaker Jeihan Ibryaimov of Movement for Rights and Freedoms (DPS) party said, criticizing the plan. Ibryaimov, who hails from the country's Turkish minority, also called the proposal "inhumane."

Karakachanov is the leader of the Bulgarian National Movement (VMRO) and one of the three leaders of the nationalist bloc United Patriots that entered a coalition with Prime Minister Boyko Borisov's ruling Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria (GERB).


Will Durmo Tours driver be another "victim": The owner claims he has lost control of himself

The owner of Durmo Tours, Durmish Beluli, in a statement for "24 Vesti" says that the bus that turned over on Wednesday was right. In a statement on television, he says that the company's employees heard the phone with the driver and that he had discovered the cause of the accident for them, that is, he had lost control of himself while driving the bus.

-A responsible person at Durmo Tours contacted the driver after the accident. He said that he was aware that he had lost control, in the question of whether he had lost control of the bus, or above himself, the answer was that he was above himself.

Probably for health reasons. The bus was about 200 meters away, there was no trace of braking nor a reaction to the driver - says Beluli.

He added that he feels moral responsibility and that he sympathizes with the families of the dead.
His complaints are contrary to the statement of one of the passengers who claims that the driver could not turn the steering wheel, and for the trail of braking it is necessary for skilled persons to give their opinion.



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