Men, women, young and old addicted to gambling. Betting shops and casinos are full

Although there has been a shortage of money and a severe financial crisis for years, as shown by the results of various surveys, we are witnesses that betting shops and casinos are full almost every day, and what is particularly worrying is the not so small number of minors who very often visit gambling houses despite the fact that they are strictly prohibited from entering them. The data that as many as 44 percent of the adult male population in the Balkans practices some kind of gambling is alarming, and what is also noticeable is that an increasing number of women and girls are trying their luck in betting shops and casinos. The facilities for this purpose are full almost every day, especially during the weekends, and given that there is a major financial crisis, the question arises - how is this possible? Many sociologists and psychologists believe that this is precisely one of the "phenomena" of today's society. In conversations with people who visit betting shops, it often happens that the average visit to one of them costs 2 to 3 euros (e.g. a ticket played with a small stake and some drinks with it), and some of them, of course, cost much more. Monthly allocations of 50 to 60 euros for games of chance (some, of course, allocate much more) in a time of great financial crisis, when food, fuel, electricity and other utilities have never been more expensive, truly represent a paradox of today's society. , according to experts. This also indicates one thing - there are more and more people with a serious problem of gambling addiction at a time when economic uncertainty is very present.

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