30 Roma families from Kichevo or about 150 citizens from the vulnerable category received social housing

30 Roma families or about 150 people who lived in the "Prilepska" settlement in Kichevo received social housing that was built in the Ivani dol settlement in Kichevo. The apartments are designed to have an area of ​​45m2. Roma who previously lived in extremely inhumane conditions by the city's river say they are grateful for the new homes.

The project is financed by the EU, and was implemented by the Center for Civic Initiative from Prilep, with the support of the municipality of Kichevo and the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy.

According to the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, this pilot program can be replicated in other municipalities.

A final conference was held in Kichevo where the project was presented to NGOs and the business sector and relevant state institutions.


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