Who needs to work in Europe for how long to buy a used car - for Macedonians and Serbs about 15 months, and for Finns less than three months

Research has shown that the ability to buy a car varies significantly from country to country.

Car availability varies greatly from country to country

The average salary in Macedonia is over 600 euros, and according to data taken from the Macedonia website, Macedonians spend an average of 9,000 euros on a used car. That means it should work for about 15 months, Serbs allocate over 15 monthly salaries for a used car. Finns can earn a car in just 2.7 months of work, while Germans would need six months and Swiss 6.1 months. In countries in and around the Balkans, people work less for a car: Hungarians – 11.2 months, Croatians – 11.7 months.

However, it should be borne in mind that this calculation would mean that the customer would not spend a single dinar of his salary on anything else, but would save everything he earns for the car.

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