How investments in Roma can solve the labor force problem

After the presentation of the report "Strengthening growth in the Western Balkans", it was noted in the discussion that investments in Roma can solve the problem with the workforce.

"The reality is that Romita is one of the many important elements for the future of the economy of the region and probably of the economy of Europe."

The fact that the Roma population is the youngest population in Europe, in relation to national minorities and ethnic communities, represents a huge potential for the future as a labor force for the entire economy in the region and Europe.

The report showed that if the Roma go through a series of programs for retraining and retraining and in that way get employed in deficit occupations, the invested money will be returned in a period of two to five years.

This means jobs for welders, truck and bus drivers, waiters and cooks are among the occupations that are in short supply.


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