Leskovac: Soon the help of the Jasarevic family from the city institutions

The cause of the fire in the Roma settlements is of a different nature, the fire is due to the storage of secondary raw materials, after the candle is the culprit because many settlements have no electricity, while the frequent case is also a defective electrical installation. The cause of the fire in the Roma neighborhood of Red Star was a defective electrical installation and that on February 21st, Jasarevic's family caused great material damage, fortunately without human casualties. This family needs financial help to repair the damage. First aid should arrive from the Center for Social Work Palilula, as the representatives told us these institutions. Unfortunately, this help will not be enough and people with goodwill are appealing if they want to help this family.


Link: https://romaworld.rs/uskoro-pomoc-porodici-jasarevic-od-gradskih-institucija/



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