Civil media - Muratov: A life worth as much as a fur coat!

"Whoever among you sees an evil, let him stop it: first with his hands, then with his tongue, and if he cannot stop it with his hands and tongue, then let him condemn it with his heart," said the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, before many years!

In the past period, Russian propaganda heavily abused religion to justify the war in Ukraine, but the above quote is a confirmation that religion does not call for evil, but instead calls for coexistence, peace, tolerance...

Today, we are witnesses of evil, bloodshed, rape, terror, injustice, destroyed homes, temples, hospitals, schools, kindergartens... but despite that, unfortunately, there are Putin lovers in our country who support, approve or relativize this crime against humanity.

The Putinists all the time relativized the Russian aggression by being "concerned" "why there is no talk about Syria, Palestine, Afghanistan...", the same ones who were against the arrival of Afghan refugees, and who collected signatures for some fictional refugee camps!

Above all, it is our human obligation to stop Putin's evil, regardless of ethnicity, religion, profession, or otherwise.

From this distance, we oppose Putin's evil with our strongest weapon, which is the written word, speaking the truth, exposing disinformation.

Despite the strong Russian propaganda, we are still witnessing the heroism of the people of Ukraine who are literally resisting this evil with their bare hands, sacrificing their lives, just to preserve their homeland, home, dignity and honor.

Unlike Ukrainian heroes, the lives of ruble thieves who die in Ukraine are worth as much as a fur coat. Black Russian widows even had to laugh in front of the cameras of the Russian propaganda machine and confirm that they are satisfied with the help that Putin gives them. How miserable and devastating it is for your life to be worth as much as a piece of clothing!

The heroism of the Ukrainian people confirms that freedom has no price!



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