The artist Durmish Kjazim presented his work to the Museum of Contemporary Art in Skopje

Artist Durmish Kjazim, whose works were part of the international exhibition "Everything we have in common", donated a work to the Museum of Contemporary Art - Skopje

Portrait of Rom | Portrait of a Roma Man | 2016

Pastel on paper | Soft pastel on paper |110x75 cm

Durmish Kjazim's artistic practice is concerned with questions of identity conveyed through intimate surrealist drawings and paintings that portray Roma people through their daily personal struggles.

Durmish Kjazim (1983, Macedonia) graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Skopje. Since 2011, he lives in Belgium, Brussels. Inspired by the Roma community and tradition, through pictorial realism imbued with symbolism, he treats the stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination of the Roma culture.

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