Urgent needs for Roma in post disaster period in Turkey

A powerful earthquake has struck South-eastern Turkey, near the Syrian border, killing more than 20.000 people as they slept and trapping many others. The government declared a 4th-level alarm, meaning it is asking for international help.
Hatay, Gaziantep, Kahramanmaraş, Şanlıurfa, and Adana are the most damaged cities. Roma communities are one of the most vulnerable groups in the region. Some of the houses collapsed and most of them were damaged. Rain, snow, and cold brought by seasonal conditions make the situation even more difficult. Some neighbourhoods cannot be reached. People are anxious about aftershocks of earthquakes. Roma are working informal jobs, therefore; their insecurities have increased in this period. The vital needs for Roma are food, shelter, and heating. At night, the heat will decrease -4 and -7 Centigrade degrees and living conditions become so much worse. The government and civil society are getting organized; however, Roma do not be prioritized and ERGO Network's member organisation Sıfır Ayrımcılık Derneği - Zero Discrimination is trying to get organized for Roma neighbourhoods. We are listing the emergent needs and current situations of Roma and their families. 

Therefore, we are looking for help and support to reach and support Roma in Eastern Turkey. The urgent needs are:

1. Food and Water, Hot drinks
2. Tents
3. In-tent stove
4. Blanket
5. Winter Clothes (Boots, Coats, Gloves, Hat and Socks)
6. Sleeping bag (for adult and child)
7. Pocket warmer
8. Synthetic underwear (baby/child)
9. Female sanitary pad
10. Powerbank for phones
11. Diapers

Disaster relief will be collected and coordinted by the ERGO Network and its members. Send directly to the Zero Discrimination Association. 


Link: https://chuffed.org/project/wz5boxjv6lmp?fbclid=IwAR2ucGMC5fp42KCuNt3vaywiSq0r-FkKVf7iVzvt81QiSy_kjJtgEZ3Pors

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