Serbian footballer Vlahović racially insulted on live TV: “You are a gypsy”

Now a video has surfaced where you can hear exactly how 5,000 fans snidely chant "you're a gypsy" in Italian. The events in Bergamo have now become relevant again after the action of the fans was initially only strictly condemned by Fiorentina boss Rocco Commissa. “I didn't like what they did. Two years ago they racially insulted Dalbert and this year they called Vlahović a 'gypsy' when he gave an interview," Commissa said at the time.


The leaked video shows Vlahović feeling very uncomfortable in front of the Italian broadcaster's cameras while giving the post-match interview. He often looks angry or sad at the racist fans of Atalanta, but pulls himself together and gives them no reaction. Vlahovic left Fiorentina for Juventus from Turin in this winter transfer window.





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