Czech Republic: Czech janitorial services owner says Romani employees sometimes outperform "White" ones

He's in a business involving labor that most people in the Czech Republic don't want to perform - janitorial work. He is successful. 

His company's clients include Metrostav, Toyota and CzechInvest. What is it like to do business in the town of Most, the reputation of which is shrouded in prejudice, and to employ Romani staff? 

"I know everybody in our company, everyone comes in with their own story," says owner Martin Fajner in a recent interview for ROMEA TV. "That goes for the Roma, too."

"They live in a completely different world, one that others can't even imagine," Fajner describes. "I've never experienced any of the things they sometimes tell me about." 

"Unfortunately, they have, though," says the entrepreneur. His own story is quite simple. 

Fajner and his business partner did not personally enjoy performing janitorial work in apartment buildings once a month, so they set up a company that offered cleaning as a service. After partnering with the Krušnohor housing cooperative, the company has grown and today has around 70 stable employees and co-workers who work in several cities around the country. 



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