Ziberi:There is no equal improvement of ethnic representation in institutions

As Ziberi informed, in the state bodies, such as the President, the Assembly, the Government, the Constitutional, Supreme and Administrative Courts, the National Bank, the representation for 2020 is as follows: Macedonians are 75.6 percent, Albanians 17.7 percent, Turks 1.6 percent, Roma 1 percent, Serbs 1.7 percent, Vlachs 1.7 percent, Bosniaks 0.5 percent and the remaining 0.3 percent.

The situation in the ministries as a whole is as follows: Macedonians are 69.9 percent, Albanians 24.3 percent, Turks 1.9 percent, Roma 1 percent, Serbs 1.5 percent, Vlachs 0.5, Bosniaks 0.6 percent and the rest 0 , 3 percent.

In public institutions and other legal entities such as agencies, directorates, commissions, institutes the situation is as follows: Macedonians 76.8 percent, Albanians 17.6 percent, Turks 1.8 percent, Roma 0.8 percent, Serbs 1.4 percent , Vlachs 1.4 percent, Bosniaks 1.4 percent and other 0.4 percent,

He added that in some of the institutions the situation with representation is worrying. He cited AD as an example for construction and management of state-owned housing and business premises, where the structure is as follows: Macedonians 90.6 percent, Albanians 2.6 percent, Turks 0.6 percent, Roma 1.8 percent, Serbs 2, 6 percent, Vlachs 1.2 percent, Voshnjaci 0.3 and the remaining 3 percent.

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