"Political crocodiles" - Can anyone get involved in politics, go through it, and stay clean, untainted, simply put, decent and responsible?

They say no one died from lies… And it really is. But that's why friendship, trust, humanity dies again…

Man is worth as much as his word. And when the word does not follow the deeds, there is no man.

Politics is a serious matter for serious people, it must offer quality solutions for the community and it must never be anarchist. And today, for the sake of truth, we have "stand-up" politicians.

They made a dirty demand from the public scene in which everything is allowed - insults, lying, swearing and labeling… This is the model they "sold" to us.

They destroyed critical thinking and created a base on which every lie or trick succeeds.

Can one engage in politics, go through it, and remain clean, undefiled, simply put, decent and responsible? In these moments as they work I think - can not!

Directors, advisors to directors, heads of departments, civil servants… All of them only care about their position, salary, benefits, and the people are sick of that job.

Political puppets, cowards, parasites, hypocrites… One does not know which bad denomination to choose to call the way of action of the political actors that survive as a reflection of our civic will.

If you are one of the few who will leave the impression of a decent person who can be trusted, who wants and can solve problems, you will not fit into the classic stereotype, and you become a target of political games, villains and profiteers, who after each they will want to smear your face, and shatter the public perception of you as someone who is really trying to rise above that "landfill".

The political battles between "ours and" yours "" have become a war between good and evil, and war requires unconditional support for the leader of the tribe. " If you say something bad against "yours", it means that you are a traitor, and the traitors should be "expelled".

That is why you, the well-meaning and honest ones in this search full of "political crocodiles", it is best "Mind in the head and buttocks to the wall!

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