Flooded Roma families from Pertat without the help of the authorities from the municipality of Lebane, the organization "Start Life" promised help

The Demirović family in Pertat with two small children has not had water since January 11 this year because the flood wave destroyed their hydrophore and destroyed an auxiliary building where flour stocks and the whole winter house were destroyed, and firewood was taken away by a torrent or scattered across the field. JuGmedia.

The head of the house, Miloš Dejan Demirović, says that after two days, the commission for the inventory of the damage came out of the local self-government of Lebane, and that no one has appeared since then.

"I have a small baby and a two-year-old son who we have nothing to bathe in. We don't have flour, we don't have oil, all the winter is gone, we collect wood on the roads. We live on social assistance, so we don't have the money to buy a hydrophore, "Demirović told JuGmedia.

Water entered both the bathroom and the living room of his house, but he and his wife managed to throw it out in the meantime.

Demirović's neighbors suffered similarly in the floods, which have even greater damage because their houses were completely flooded. "Nobody helped them either," claims Demirović.

In the meantime, this young man addressed the Association "Pokrerni život" from Leskovac, whose representatives promised to buy and give him a hydrophore. "Leskovac can, Lebane can't or won't," he comments.

We could not reach the Lebanese municipalities, where the SNS has the main say, since they decided not to respond to JuGmedia's calls, and the president of MZ Pertate, they say in the village, is powerless because he belongs to the SPS, the party that joined the party last November. the so-called Belgrade coalition with the Lebanese progressives, but for now "nothing is being asked".

"What is true must be said, and that is that the locals are to blame for that, because some of them built houses on drainage canals and they will always be flooded in much less rain than they were around January 11. ", Explains one of the residents of Pertata near Lebane.


Link: https://rominfomedia.rs/?p=19563

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