Nis: The Denic Roma family has two Nis police officers and two successful daughters

In the city of Nis, a Roma couple is employed in the Ministry of Interior in Nis. Sasa and Dragica Dinic have been married for 28 years and both are police officers. Sasha is an officer and lieutenant in the police, and Dragica is a police officer. They work and strive to overcome all prejudices and to provide a decent life for themselves and their families - to educate their children to be better people. Sasha says he graduated from high school in 1990. He then enlisted in the army and served in the police after serving his military service. Without anyone's help and recommendation, he completed the course and got a job in the police. He mostly worked in the Roma settlements in Nis in the field of Roma integration. They married Dragica in 1992. In 1993, the eldest daughter Alexandra was born, who graduated from the High School of Food, while in 1997, their second daughter Jovana was born, who is now a third year student at the Faculty of Law. At the age of 40, Sasha enrolled at the Faculty of Law, Security and Management and managed to finish it. GP graduated in 2016. Dragica has also completed high school and since 2009 has been employed by the Ministry of Interior. Her job is with clients with registration, driver's licenses, ID cards, passports and other personal documents. Lieutenant Deni вели says that his mission in life is not money or position, but the desire to transfer everything he has learned to someone. He says that every dream is achievable, if there is a desire for it.


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