Southern Serbia: Flooded Roma settlements in Leskovac, Vlasotince, Vladici Han and Surdulica

Heavy rains that have been falling for several days without interruption have raised river levels in several municipalities in southern Serbia and flooded settlements in the immediate vicinity of those rivers. Due to the heavy rains, the sewers could not collect all that water and now many streets, yards and basements in the lower parts of the cities, villages and municipalities are flooded.
Also, a large number of Roma settlements in the immediate vicinity of these rivers are flooded, with the fact that in the municipality of Vlasotince in one of the lower parts of the Roma settlement "Crn Marko" water has entered the dogs. Such is the situation in the Roma settlement in Lebane, in the settlement Slavko Zlatanovic in Leskovac as well as in the Roma settlements in Vladicki Han and Surdulica-Prekodolce.
According to information, videos and photos posted by the Roma from those neighborhoods, they say that they have not slept for several years, but have organized to be able to protect all the property from the home they have from the flood. This natural disaster has been reported to institutions, so that rescue services, fire brigades, and the police are now on the ground.


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