What awaits us? The progress of Covid 19 brings the progress of poverty!

The negative effects of the crisis can be particularly strong on families with three or more children, Roma children and rural households. But it will also hit people with precarious jobs, primarily in the service sector. The pandemic affects all social groups and drastically changes the habits of all citizens. - The pandemic that occurred as a result of the global spread of Covid-19 negatively affected the general well-being of children, and the hardest hit the most vulnerable. - It is estimated that an additional 16,000 children in the country will be below the poverty line due to declining household incomes and job losses as a result of the economic crisis caused by Covid-19. These estimates are based on the study "The Social and Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Children in Northern Macedonia", supported by UNICEF, Finance Think and USAID. UNICEF emphasizes that the negative effects of the crisis can be particularly strong on families with three or more children, Roma children and rural households. They add that in the field of education, Macedonia has made great efforts for children to continue learning during the pandemic. In addition, the transition to distance learning has complicated the learning process because many teachers and households do not have the information technology and knowledge to use it, and poor households with many children do not have the conditions to learn from home. When schools are closed, there is a risk that children will lose their learning opportunities, support system, sense of security, nutrition, with the most marginalized children - for whom they are most likely to drop out of school - paying the highest price.

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