Germany: Fake News or Truth - We are looking for people who will lie in bed for 30 days for 11,000 euros

Sounds like a tempting job offer - 11,000 euros for 30 days in bed. What sounds like a dream is actually an offer from the German Air Force (DLR).
The Cologne Center is looking for 12 males and 12 females for the study, where the DLR will do it on behalf of NASA 2021. The study will last 60 days. From that 30 days bed rest.
The DLR pledged 11,000 euros in full participation costs.
"However, it is not easy to earn," said Andrea Nietzsche of the DLR. She is responsible for the selection of candidates and made it clear: - It is not just lying and resting.
Participants in this study must stay in bed for 30 consecutive days, with the head slightly below the feet, or 6 degrees.
They can neither get a book from the shelf nor items from the locker.
"It is especially difficult for men," said Nietzsche. The study lasts a total of 60 days, including two weeks of acclimatization and two weeks of additional care.
Similar studies have already been done in DLR. They are used for testing as measures against degenerative changes in astronauts. In addition to strict bed rest, it is necessary to simulate the state of weightlessness in space.
"That is why there will be more incidents around 'bed rest,'" Nietzsche said. There will be more experiments on the candidates, especially before and after bed rest, but also during bed rest. After bed rest, there is a 14-day recovery phase.
Applicants are required to meet a number of requirements. It is necessary to be aged 24 to 55, body mass index, ie BMI between 19 and 30 and to be between 153 cm and 1.92 cm.
In addition, candidates need to be mentally and physically healthy. The study will take place from April to June 2021. Want to call? Those interested can call the phone number 02203 / 601-5347 or E.mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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