Italy: Who will be responsible for the death of a 32-year-old Roma woman who died after a caesarean section in a Roma camp?

Ena died in a Roma camp in Secundiano. She died of complications from a caesarean section. The health responsibilities that led to the young woman's death will certainly need to be clarified: have they become aware of the ongoing infection? Did he follow the hospital where he was admitted correctly?
One thing is certain: when the woman, after giving birth, returned to the camp, but immediately complications arose and she got into the car to return to the hospital with some family members, soldiers and police who guarded the area from that camp. blocked and did not let them out. They doubted the veracity of the woman's statements and kept them. At that moment, she got out of the car and in an attempt to explain to them that she had a health problem, she fainted. Police intervention delayed the rescue, and the ambulance arrived much later, and witnesses say it was several hours late.
They took her to the hospital, but it was too late. Thus died a woman, a young mother from a Roma camp. Her baby, who was waiting for her in the incubator, will never see her.
Nobody talked about it, neither the media nor the public. The first articles in the newspapers appeared in the last few hours thanks to the condemnation of the family and the communiqué from the Chi Roma Association, which has been following many Roma families in the area for years.
The Association designates this act as the death penalty for the Roma from those camps. Forgotten, abandoned and above all health inappropriately treated. In general, the Roma in those camps are like "second-class" citizens.

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