Britain: Hatred of Roma and Travelers is also linked to rising suicides

The Roma community and travelers are experiencing hate-motivated incidents almost daily, and mental health problems and suicides are contributing to an "epidemic of unnecessary deaths," according to a new report funded by the British government.
The pilot study, titled "Hate: Honor as Rain", was conducted from December 2019 to July 2020 and confirmed a correlation between hate incidents - most of which are online - and poor mental health, suicides and suicide attempts.
Professor Margaret Greenfield et al. Carol Rogers of New Brooklyn Hampshire University, who conducted the study, called on authorities to stop what they called an "unnecessary death epidemic."
Twenty-five respondents whose family members committed suicide experienced multiple trauma and loss, noting 62 members of those families who committed suicide in the last five years, and many had two to five deaths. Over 60% of the 18 to 30 age group reported at least one case of suicide in their family.


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