The popular Slovenian musician Manjefiko says: With “Pukni zoro" the Roma in the bars are full of money, they even call me to celebrate"

Robert Pescht, better known as Manefico, is the creator of the music for the films "Montevideo" and the series "Shadows over the Balkans" as well as the author of the hit "Pukni Zoro"
When asked if he will cooperate with Dragan Bjelogrlic again in the sequels of the series "Shadows over the Balkans 3", he noted: He plans for me too. He does not ask, but decides that I have to do something, and if he decides so, so it will be for the third season of the series.
By some unwritten rule, they say that his song "Pukni zoro" is the "most expensive" song that is played in cafes. In that comment, Manjefico says: "My Roma friends from southern Serbia often call me on the phone and say, 'We took big money, at least, every honor. You have a drink and a roast pork from us. You deserve it. As soon as they say so, it seems so. "Otherwise, why would they call me."
He says that he is not very interested in authorship because he hated being dragged to court as a witness, and that is why he does not get tired.

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