France: Coins and gold worth 500,000 euros found in old jars

The municipality of Mores, located in the French department of Yuri in eastern France, recently bought an old house for 130,000 euros, and to the surprise and delight of all residents, thousands of gold coins and five gold bars were found in discarded pickles, valued at 500,000 euros, writes the French newspaper Le Parisien.
When they handed over the discovered treasure for appraisal, experts said it was worth about 500,000 euros. The rods and coins were kept by members of the Jobes family for decades, and their last descendants, four siblings, all single, lived in it for a long time.
Rumors spread that there was a hidden treasure in the house, but few believed it.
After the death of the last member of the Jobes family, the heirs of the house, distant relatives of the family decided to sell it along with the furniture and all items.
The municipality bought it for 130,000 euros, but profited many times over, because according to the law, real estate buyers are the owners of everything they find in it.

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