Ahmet Jasharevski one of the main creators of support for local economic development in the municipality of Kumanovo

Ahmet Jasharevski is a well-known Roma activist from Kumanovo for many years, also known nationally and internationally. He is also the Director of RCC DROM from Kumanovo. He and his team have implemented many programs and projects closely related to the Roma community.
Performs the function of Associate for support of local economic development in the municipality of Kumanovo.
With his unobtrusive and professional approach it can be said that he is one of the main creators of the Annual Program of the Department for Local and Economic Development of the Municipality of Kumanovo for 2020.
Jasharovski is, among other things, the creator of:
Preparation of a Strategy for - Local Economic Development of the Municipality of Kumanovo 2019-2024.
Development of a Tourism Strategy of the Municipality of Kumanovo
Local Economic and Social Council-Kumanovo with representatives of local self-government,
Employers' Association, Trade Union, Inter-Municipal Center for Social Affairs, Regional Employment Agency Kumanovo and NGO.
Reconstruction of road and sewerage network in Sredorek, with 3,200,000 funds approved by the Ministry of Transport and Communications - Minister without portfolio Aksel Ahmedovski and participation of the Municipality of Kumanovo with additional 3,000,000 denars.
Preparation of project documents four reports in Roma settlements in the amount of 180,000 denars funded by the Ministry of Local Self-Government.
ReLOaD Program of UNDP in partnership with the Municipality of Kumanovo and CRZ-DROM Children's playground built in the Roma settlement Barake in the amount of 1,045,000 denars.
Municipal Beneficial Work, Project: "Creating Job Opportunities for All" UNDP program including 18 educational assistants and 2 field workers to help Roma students in four primary schools in the municipality of Kumanovo.
A new five-year Strategy for Roma 2021-2025 is being prepared.
Installation of a sewerage network in the length of 700 meters in the settlement Stari Lozija
Every year, the municipality of Kumanovo allocates 500,000 denars for the implementation of the Roma Strategy.

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