Deputy Ombudsman Vaska Bajramovska-Mustafa: Bribery and corruption in prisons have been a long-standing problem.

By taking advantage of the benefits and benefits of prisons in the country, the convicts themselves use these methods to gain some benefits.

According to the Deputy Ombudsman Vaska Bajramovska-Mustafa, this phenomenon is widespread and involves both convicts and employees of prison institutions.


The benefits apply to a mobile phone, better conditions in the cells, use on weekends and more.

But the problem is that the convicts themselves say so in informal contacts with the ombudsman, but there is no official complaint or grievance.

According to Bajramovska, the reason is that the prisoners themselves will deny themselves the privileges for which they give bribes.


According to the "tariff" for a mobile phone, it depends on the type of phone and ranges from 50 euros and up.


One of the forms that has been established in the communication for gaining benefit with a mobile phone is the conversation between the convict and the prison staff.

If he wants to ask in hidden form how much that service will cost, the prison officer returns it with the reply: "Well, I told you 50, 100 or 200 times" which in translation changes the price, namely whether it is 50. 100 or 200 euros in against service.

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