Incident in Shutka, outraged citizens protest and say: "Police patrol ran over a pedestrian and did not stop"

On Friday afternoon, a group of over 500-600 residents of Suto Orizari gathered on Jovan Hadzishishkov Street in protest and revolt.

The reason for the revolt, according to them, is that just before 19:00, a vehicle of the police patrol passing through that street, caused a traffic accident and one person was injured. According to eyewitnesses, the vehicle did not stop and continued on its way.

The injured person, with the help of his close relatives, was taken to the city hospital "St. Naum Ohridski" in Skopje. But then there was an incident where, according to his relatives, the allegedly injured after the medical treatment was taken out of the back of the hospital, and they accuse that police officers used physical force and was taken to a police station.

Due to that, there was a great revolt among the gathered citizens, who reacted to that brutality, and at the same time they did not have any information where the injured person was taken.

According to unofficial statements of his loved ones, he was mistreated and beaten and taken to the Centar police station.

So far, there is no feedback from the police, because the spokespersons of the Ministry of Interior and the SIA Skopje did not answer the phone calls of the editorial office of Roma Times.

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