USA IRU Representative Sean D. Wiscarson (IRU America): Resolution to US Senate on Celebrating the heritage of Romani Americans.

The IRU Member, also a USA IRU Representative, Sean D. Wiscarson did not inform us of the request sent to the US Senate in April 2019 to request the Recognition and Marking of Significant Events for Roma on US Territory.


At that request, information was received that this recognition would occur during maintenance, Before the 116th U.S. Congress (House of Representatives and Senate) resides a bill with significant bipartisan support; House Resolution 292: Celebrating the heritage of Romani Americans AND Senate Resolution 141. S.Res 141 is in need of support.


Due to the situation with COVID - 19, this meeting has been postponed for now, but will be implemented immediately following the 2020 requirements.


The resolution to be adopted by the US Senate is as follows:

(1) remembers the genocide of Roma by Nazi Germany and its Axis partners and commemorates the 75th anniversary of the destruction of the “Gypsy Family Camp” where Romani people were interned at Auschwitz;

(2) commends the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum for its role in promoting remembrance of the Holocaust and educating about the genocide of Roma;

(3) supports International Roma Day as an opportunity to honor the culture, history, and heritage of the Romani people in the United States as part of the larger Romani global diaspora; and

(4) welcomes the Department of State’s participation in ceremonies and events celebrating International Roma Day and similar engagement by the United States Government.


You can view the information at the following link:

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