Fury threatened with eight-year suspension ?!The British have launched an investigation against Tyson Fury who is accused of being doping in 2015. The UK anti-doping agency launched a crackdown after Martin Karefoot revealed that he had been offered 25,000 to testify in favor of Fury. Fury said he ate contaminated wild boar meat and brought witnesses to confirm it, and his two-year suspension was eventually revoked. Martin Karefoot revealed years later that he had given false testimony so the British repeatedly called Fury to court. If he is found to be guilty by the rules, he could receive an eight-year suspension, which would be the end of his career.

The British have launched an investigation against Tyson Fury who is accused of being doping in 2015.


The UK anti-doping agency launched a crackdown after Martin Karefoot revealed that he had been offered 25,000 to testify in favor of Fury.


Fury said he ate contaminated wild boar meat and brought witnesses to confirm it, and his two-year suspension was eventually revoked.

Martin Karefoot revealed years later that he had given false testimony so the British repeatedly called Fury to court.


If he is found to be guilty by the rules, he could receive an eight-year suspension, which would be the end of his career.

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