New research: Does the corona virus originate from outside China?

The official narrative of the onset of coronavirus is that it was transferred from a market in Wuhan, China. But according to an analysis based on Japanese and Chinese scientific reports, the virus originated elsewhere well before January 2020.


After collecting genome samples in China, medical scientists first showed that the virus did not originate in the seafood market in Wuhan, but had more unidentified sources, dating to the end of November, which then spread the virus to the market.


Then, the scientists took 100 copies of the genome from 12 different countries on 4 continents to identify all the variants and mutations. The study showed similar findings to those of Japanese scientists - that the virus did not start in China.


On January 27, top Chinese respiratory specialist Jong Nanshan said "Although the corona virus was first discovered in China, it does not mean it originated there."

According to Japanese media, the virus originated not in China but in the United States. In addition, the report claims that the 14,000 deaths attributed to a seasonal group in the United States are a consequence of the coronavirus.


A top Taiwanese virologist also believes the coronavirus originated in the United States. He showed that the sub-type of the virus that exists in Taiwan exists only in Australia and the United States. Since Taiwan was not infected by Australians, he thinks the infection in Taiwan most likely came from the United States.


Further, the Taiwanese virologist claims that in September some Japanese traveled to Hawaii and returned home infected. These are people who were not in China. This would mean that the virus had spread for much longer than a few months and was present on a larger scale than previously thought.


Doubts have been fueled by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which has so far tested very few people across the country. The director of the center testified before Congress about why tests are so slow to be delivered to health institutions across the United States.


By March 8, only 1707 Americans had been tested for coronavirus, which is five tests per million people. Even in Macedonia more tests have been done on average. For comparison, 189,000 people are tested in South Korea.

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