Belgrade bus stop discriminates against Roma who carry luggage

Protection and Equality Trustee Brankica Jankovic has determined that the Belgrade Bus Station - BAS discriminates against members of the Roma nationality working to disperse luggage at that station. This is based on a presentation by the A11 Initiative for Economic and Social Rights.


A11 statement said that, after relocating the buses to the Belgrade bus station, carriers who had been involved in the activity for years had been deprived of access to the platforms on the grounds that: "Roma cannot work anymore “


The A11 recommendation states that Roma should be given unhindered access to work and at the same time trained in BAS staff, to be more tolerant and to recognize discrimination. It takes 30 days to comply with the recommendation.


Jankovic explained that the procedure is ongoing and that the law does not allow her to comment on the details.



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