A girl from Skopje was born without identity and died without identity

A girl from Skopje was born without identity and died at the age of five without identity. The mother worked, leaving the girl with friends to take care of her, but the epilogue was tragic.


The friend became intoxicated, brutally beat the baby, inflicting severe bodily harm on her which she died.

This is one of the saddest examples of the reality of children and adults in the country living without personal documents. They are born as phantoms, without appearing anywhere in the state system and thus leaving this world. Without a birth certificate, they can't even get a health booklet, which makes it difficult to get late for serious and complicated medical diagnoses, reducing the chance of survival.


Such is the case with the 15-year-old from Tetovo, a "phantom" child with no birth certificate, who had knee cancer. With the help of the Ambrella NGO, he was able to get services at the state hospital through the Ministry of Health, but because treatment was started late, doctors were unable to cope with the disease.


These two cases are a cruel indicator of the problems faced by people in the country who do not have personal documents.


The OSCE and the UNHCR have supported the resolution of this problem, which officially has 700 citizens in Macedonia.

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