Czech: Bookstore saleswoman fired for insulting Roma

The Czech bookstore chain Kanzelsberger in the Czech Republic has decided to fire the shopkeeper who racially insulted a Roma colleague on Twitter, after which he made other racist comments.

Last week, Daniel Fule of the “Ljudi u potrebi organization” shared controversial reports about whether the bookstore would tolerate this behavior.
The bookstore responded that Mr Kanczelsberger thought this saleswoman's behavior was unacceptable and would no longer work for that company.

The woman whose Twitter account was named "Theresa Bart" announced that "a walk in the Yale quarter in Brno would have been much more pleasant than teaching a Gypsy at work."

The woman continued her racist insults. "In the end everyone knows that normal color is white," she wrote.

The company distances itself from the opinions of its employees.
"Her behavior was inappropriate with human behavior. He must not offend his colleagues. This is not the attitude of the companies towards minorities, "said Jana Kmunchikova, Head of Marketing.

The whole situation has caused controversy in the Czech Republic, especially on social networks. While some condemned the saleswoman's behavior, others said the dismissal was a severe punishment.

Journalist Sasha Uhlova in her comment on the firing of a saleswoman was comforted by those who were hurt by her comment.
But it added that unfortunately this will not reduce the discrimination faced by Roma.
Uhlova wrote that discrimination is present and "destroys the lives of Roma in the Czech Republic".

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