Zaklina Ibraimovic from Nis hit by bus, police investigate case

Fifty-year-old Zaklina Ibraimovic says she got off the suburban bus No. 35 because she had opened herself during the return journey. She suffered hematomas on her head and minor injuries to her arm and leg.


"I got in and got well, saw that there was a seating area, and I told myself to sit down, the bus turned and I no longer remember, medical aid came, they washed me with water, and then I woke up," Zaklina says.


Son Stephen says he is worried because his mother has previously been operated on four times by a brain tumor.


"People say my mom got on the bus, he bent over, one of the doors opened, and she was bent down at that moment," explains Stephen.


The Ibraimovic family says similar problems often occur on the line from Bubanj Potok to Nis.


"Doors open many times and close because they are defective. So the driver stops and then the door closes and he goes, and the door opens.


Zaklina Ibraimovic says it is necessary to check that the bus was upright.


"And if I fell, I'd do it inside, not fall out."

Nis Express and the RTS public transport department have no information on the case.

The Basic Public Prosecutor's Office is awaiting a police report after talking to the injured and witnesses and an emergency technical inspection of the disputed bus.




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