German shop selling beer with neo-Nazi symbolism

The German daily Die Welt reports that while the rest of Europe has been commemorating the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi extermination camp at Auschwitz, customers in a certain shop in Germany were able to buy a brand of beer featuring a label and a price that obviously referenced the neo-Nazi scene. The scandal of the beer brand called "Deutsches Reichsbräu" ("German Reich Brewery") has provoked outrage there and police are currently investigating.


From the label, which references an ultra-right website, it can be seen that a man named Tommy Frenck is behind the hop-based drink. The German secret services have indicated he is an ultra-right radical.


On the label, next to the name of the brand, there is the image of an eagle similar to the Nazi one, but instead of holding a Nazi swastika it is holding an iron cross, a traditional German military insignia. The price of the beverage, EUR 18.88, also referenced the neo-Nazi subculture.



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