Dr. Rajko Djuric: The fact that Roma come from Israel is a great notoriety!

In his statement on the origin, history, culture and tradition of Roma as a nation, prominent professor and expert on Roma tradition and culture Dr Rajko Djuric from Belgrade also referred to the topic of "Roma origin" where he has been working for over five decades, and sitr in that field.

He has so far published many books and research on Roma origin.
At the very beginning he rejects all theses that Roma origin is from Israel.

"It's a big manipulation and a lie," Djuric says. Roma have both been documented and scientifically proven to be of Indian descent and all guesses need to be completed here. That is why there is a lot of evidence and documents.

In its long history it can be concluded that the Roma people are one of the oldest peoples with no doubts about their origin.

Research needs to be focused on the period of their migration, the reasons for that migration, even though those moments are well known.

The biggest unknown about the Roma people is actually the number of Holocaust victims over the Roma during World War II. The numbers being manipulated range from 250,000 to 500,000 Roma victims in the Holocaust.

“But my free estimate is that the number is much higher, ranging from 1 million to as many as 1 million and 250,000 Roma”, professor Dr. Rajko Djuric said in his statement.

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