Unhappy with status and finances, the Roma left the Union of National Minorities in the Republic of Serbia

The Union of Roma in Serbia with an office in Gradishka that represented them in 16 municipalities abandoned membership in the Republican Union of National Minorities


This was announced to the media by Aleksandar Mašić and Ramo salesevic as president and vice president. They pointed out that the board's decision on the board of the Roma Union was adopted at the last session in Prnjavor.


- The Roma are the most numerous in Serbia and, therefore, in the SNM, which is founded with great merit of our initiative.


We are neglected in many fields and we believe that the Union is not fighting enough for the Roma, we are not adequately represented in the governing structures and we are in a subordinate position, Masic is categorical.


They mostly react to the delegation of representatives to the institutions of the RS government and the insufficient financial support to Roma projects.


Link: https://www.blic.rs/vesti/republika-srpska/nezadovoljni-statusom-i-finasijama-romi-napustili-savez-nacionalnih-manjina-rs/fmq2ymt

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