To what extent do high school graduates and parents: How much is spent on a solemn evening - matura

The maters just did not start, and preparations are underway. How Much Money Is Needed For One Night?

Three hundred euros - for some on average, enough money to mark the prom night, and for other minimal budget just for make-up and dress.

Judging by the exchanges of internet forums, the average price per person for celebrating matura is 20 euros for the hotel and another 17 euros for the discotheque after the ceremony.
The most important part seems to be the wardrobe. For a high school graduate, the cheapest cost is 50 euros in a shop in downtown Skopje.

The shirt and the cow are purchased for between 25 euros and 50 euros, and on average so do the shoes. All in all, a hotel and a discotheque make up about 150 euros denars to pass cheaply. On the other hand, it costs a "branded" jacket.

With 65 euros denars for a dress, 35 euros for formal shoes and 25 euros for a hairstyle, the lowest marks can pass. Everything about a schoolgirl who ends secondary requires about 170 euros. So much money is needed for a "more dedicated" makeup, a haircut based on cosmetic treatment, not taking into account clothes and expenses for a hotel and a disco.

Let's not forget the relatives - to celebrate the closest ones in a cafeteria, the average cost is from 100 euros to 330 euros per night.

But what motivates the proud parents to spend one to two average monthly salaries for one night, in order to mark the success of a child who has finished not high, not high but high school?

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