In Bulgaria there are cases when entire Roma settlements have moved to Germany

Tren is that there is organized migration from Bulgaria to Germany. More than 81,000 Bulgarian children receive help from the German state, informs Nova TV. According to the information, entire Roma settlements from Bulgaria leave and settle in the ghettoes in Duisburg and Dortmund.

More than 11,000 Bulgarians lived from the accession of Bulgaria to the European Union in Duisburg. Here entire villages from northeastern Bulgaria moved. What attracts them is the German social system. Similarly, in Dortmund - the dream of the inhabitants of the Stolipinovo district of Plovdiv - seems to be the same.

Children's accessories are the main target of people who leave Stolipinovo. Their height in Germany is about 200 euros per child. The requirement is at least one parent to work on a contract for 450 euros a month or a registration address. No one in Germany can say whether there are real people behind the number of children registered to receive benefits.


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