More than 10,000 Roma live in Brussels, mostly from Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia

About 10,000 Roma arrived in Brussels, mainly coming from Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia, as well as from the countries of the former Yugoslavia, according to a survey of the Roma community in Belgium.

In this research, it is notable that the Slovakian Roma are in the most disadvantaged position, who are mostly engaged in begging and other similar activities. It is specified that their home country towards this minority is bad, and that those who are now in Belgium have the feeling that they have nothing to lose.

According to the survey, despite the customs and behavior, as many as 95% of Roma are permanently stationed in Belgium, that is, they do not intend to spend their lives in some other countries.

Historically, the first Roma who arrived in Belgium date back to the 15th century, and that the number of Roma has constantly expanded, and the biggest surge began with the EU enlargement in 2007.

Otherwise, those Roma who in some way managed to secure employment are the most frequent occupations in construction and domestic services, according to the results of this research.

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